Inexpensive Christmas Gifts with a Heart

During Christmas time, it seems I have a lot of people to buy gifts for, and I am stumped over what to buy.  Over the years, we’ve done some home-made gifts, as well as some less expensive gifts with a little heart.  This started out of necessity, because my husband was in construction, so each year he had a list of 30-40 people that he wanted to remember with just a small gift.  Buying gift baskets or turkeys or hams was out of the question, so the first week of December became a flurry of activity in making inexpensive but valued gifts to complete our list.

Cookies are always an obvious choice.  We found that Mexican Wedding Cookies (also known as Russian Tea Cakes) are not only easy to make, but one recipe (recipe courtesy All made several dozen cookies.  With just 4 or 5 ingredients, these are super easy. They’re easy for kids to make and they stay fresh for a long time, so they are very easy to package and give out to friends.  We would make TENS of DOZENS of these and it would be a great family project.  Try wrapping a dozen cookies in colored plastic wrap or clear plastic then cover with a colored tissue paper  package tied with curling ribbon. For larger gifts, use small cardboard cartons lined with tissue, topped with a bow or curling ribbon.

Gifts in a Jar is a very economical way to give nice gifts. One is super chocolate hot cocoa mix recipe from Alton Brown.  However, rather than stirring in the chocolate chips, I use this to add some layers for an interesting jar….mini marshmallows, the cocoa mix, then some chocolate chips on top, with more mini marshmallows.  The instructions can mention that the jar should be mixed well before using. Use either quart or pint jars (depending on the size of gift you would like).  We use tissue paper or Christmas fabric to cover the lids and tie down with curling ribbon.  Another gift in a jar that is in constant demand from our friends is Minestrone Soup mix.  This makes a beautifully layered gift.  We have actually added a little to the recipe, and prefer hot Italian sausage.  If you decide to use this one, your friends will beg you for the recipe.

Candy Wreath makes a great gift for someone special!  These are more labor intensive, so I only suggest a couple of these as needed.  At your craft store, purchase a foam round (like the “lifesaver” thrown from boats) from the flower supply.  Get a box of straight pins and a bag of red/white peppermints plus red candies, each individually wrapped.  Tie a Wide Red Ribbon loop around the wreath and pin in place on the round, tie into a bow at the top.  Start pinning groups of candies (two or three to one pin) until the front and sides of the wreath is covered!

With so many step-families, children want to get a special gift for a parent, but aren’t sure what to buy, especially for Dad!  Run down and grab an inexpensive picture frame and some glitter glue, maybe some decorative stones or “jewels”.  Let the kids decorate the side of the frame.  Spend some time and take some nice candid photos, upload and print at your nearest pharmacy or photo store.  You now have an inexpensive, personal gift.  The kids will be proud of their gift and the parent will cherish the photo and frame.

Christmas Ornaments – If you’re into craft painting, you can get plastic clear ornaments at the hobby store.  These can be personalized with craft paint as individual gifts.  This works whether you can paint or not.  So many of the paints come in tubes that can be used as a “pen” to scribe the name and year, the ornaments can be painted with a Christmas scene, and much more!  Very inexpensive and easy to do!  The paints clean up with water, so this is something the older children can do as well!

As always, I would love to hear your ideas of what you do for inexpensive gifts on your list!

Random Acts of Kindness 365 Challenge

Challenge Yourself!  

With the holidays approaching, we all seem to be very focused on thankfulness, family, charity, and helping others.   But what about the rest of the year? It seems that the good feelings of charity continue until mid-January, when everyday life interrupts.  Before you know it we’re back to being focused on our own problems, achievements and needs, being our self-centered selves.    Don’t take offense…. I am describing MYSELF. But if the shoe fits…. read on.

What if you took part in a challenge that I am doing for myself.  What if you challenged yourself to do just one single random act of kindness every day, starting today, for an entire year!  You could keep track for yourself, but you can’t share your track record.  Sort of defeats the purpose.  Commit to doing this for a year, and I guarantee at the end of the year, you WILL feel different about yourself and about your life.  In turn, all through the year you will be gratified by the looks of shock, surprise, and appreciation. So, give it a try, starting today, and continuing until NEXT THANKSGIVING.

By the way, I know we have Random Act of Kindness Days and Random Act of Kindness week, so I am not trying to take credit for something that I didn’t invent, but I wanted to try something a little bigger; something that would impact ME as well as others all year-long.

Here is a very quick list of ideas to get you started.

  • Help someone put groceries in their car
  • Let someone in line ahead of you – do this regularly
  • Buy the coffee of the person behind you
  • Pick up the tab for a senior’s meal
  • Pay for someone who is short of cash
  • Make care package for homeless
  • Take someone who’s lonely to coffee
  • Read to a child
  • Hold the door for someone else
  • Let another car get in line ahead of you when traffic is heavy
  • Mow the lawn of a neighbor
  • Leave a cold drink for the mailman
  • Offer to babysit while a single mom runs errands
  • Buy gasoline for someone who ran out
  • Write a note to someone you’ve lost touch with
  • Run an errand for a harried family member
  • Send an email or note commending superior service
  • Help someone reach something from a high shelf
  • Leave a huge tip unexpectedly
  • Let the sales clerk keep the change (not just a few cents)
  • Offer a coat, blanket, gloves for someone in need
  • Leave a small anonymous gift on someone’s doorstep
  • Carry garbage cans off the curb for someone you don’t know
  • Pay for someone’s bus or train fare or cab fare
  • Buy a pack of movie tickets and give them away randomly
  • Give away lotto tickets to strangers
  • Spend time with a senior who has no family nearby
  • Take some flowers the next time you go to the bank or post office
  • Commend a clerk or waiter/waitress to their manager
  • Carry packages for someone
  • Take a meal to someone in need
  • Help a stranger change a tire
  • Help push a stalled car off the road
  • Drop off bottled water to construction crews
  • Leave an anonymous kind note on someones windshield
  • Take quarters and pay for others at a laundry mat on a busy day
  • Share your garden bounty with someone
  • Greet your trashmen with home-made cookies
  • Scrape snow from someone’s windshield
  • Leave an anonymous note complimenting a co-worker

If you’re up for the challenge and willing to give it a shot…comment with your name below.

Will Negative Nelly Please Stand Up

Why am I labeled a “doormat” yet another is labeled a “leader or visionary” or “eccentric or outspoken”.  One is a degrading term, while the others are quite positive (sorta). Why is it okay for them to label me with such a degrading term, yet name themselves with uplifting, ever-important titles?

I don’t think I am a doormat.  True, I have obviously made some conscious choices in my daily life not to rant and rave over every itsy bitsy teenie weenie (about to break into song here) thing that doesn’t go my way…perhaps choosing instead to let something slide because it won’t matter a few days (or possibly hours from now).  Actually, I do rant, but typically not to others….know what I mean?  Obviously, this post is the exception.  But a doormat?  Seriously!  I’m insulted!  I have found that letting others have their say does not always warrant an argument.  I have found that getting involved in a heated argument doesn’t make anyone feel better.  After the dust has settled, I am often left feeling embarrassed, wishing I could take back my words, wishing words had never been spoken to me!  But, maybe that makes me a doormat.

I think the “leader or visionary” should be called a bulldozer, because they are not leading, they are in fact just taking their ideas, opinions or decisions and rolling rampant over everyone or everything in their lives, somehow managing to convince themselves that they know what’s best for everyone else.  I have a hard time figuring out how one person can be so enlightened that they know exactly what others should do in particular situations, especially when they don’t know the details or sometimes even the person involved.  But, maybe that makes them a leader.

I think the person who is “eccentric or out spoken” should be labeled for the narcissistic egomaniac (is that a duplication of terms?) that they truly are.  Since when does having absolutely NO FILTER whatsoever on what someone says or writes make someone eccentric? Since when does this behavior make them anything but rude and egotistical and self-serving?  Is this some sort of behavior that is given a neutral label so as to make it easier to play in today’s society?  I think it makes them rude…but maybe they’re just eccentric.

Now that I’ve ranted I do feel better, and I’ll step down, sit down and shut up.

Unusual Winter Sports

Last night at dinner, we were reminiscing  about some of our family ski vacations.  That got me to wondering about other winter sports that have evolved over time, so I did a little research this morning.  This is what I found.

Shovel Racing

Shovel racing began when ski lift operators rode their shovels down the mountain after their shift.  Over time, boasting about who was fastest resulted in a race at Angel Fire, NM.  That was over 30 years ago.  The boasting resulted in fierce competitions that became well known and very competitive.

Snow Tubing

Snow tubing has provided for great winter sports for family fun.  While snow tubing can be done where there is a suitable snowy slope and intertube, some areas have developed groomed runs with lifts, offering not only group tubing, but racing as well.

Snow Kayaking

A kayak, a paddle, wax, and a snowy slope….no surprise this created a winter sport amped up a level from sledding.  The paddle offers more maneuverability than traditional sledding, but of course this has created another extreme winter sport!

Snow Kiting

Snow kiting is a spin off from kite boarding (water). The kiters use the wind for propulsion and is enjoyed by flatlanders as well as daredevils.

Ice Sailing

Sailing or racing iceboats is hugely popular in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Norway, the Netherlands, and of course, the US and Canada.  Sailing is with specially designed ice boats and is enjoyed as racing and just recreational winter sport.

Ski Bobbing

Ski Bobbing is not new.  Originally designed as skis on a bicycle frame to allow those who lacking knee strength to experience skiing in the alps.  This has of course continued to be developed over the years and has become another extreme winter sport.

Ice Karting

Imagine, go karts and Ice or Snow.  A perfect combination for a leisurely winter drive (brrr) or another way to create and enjoy racing in in the winter!

White Turf Racing

I was only able to find a couple examples of this.  There are many horse races in the snow, however, this is a horse race of additional proportions….the horse propelling the skier!  I can see some definite dangers here!

Ice Climbing

I found ice climbing to be what I considered to be the most dangerous of all the unusual winter sports. Ice climbing is usually (USUALLY) a roped and protected climb of ice falls and frozen waterfalls.   This is definitely not for amateurs!

Who Built It?

Last night, I was watching the History Channel.  First, let me admit that I don’t usually watch it… I am usually reading while the military channel blasts in the background, or the history channel drones about something which interests me not at all.  However, last night we were watching a broadcast about some of the great capitalists in our country!  Truly amazing stories.

I know that right now capitalism is frowned on by many, but it is one of the things that built this country. Now, I know that those capitalists had employees who were performing the daily back-breaking work, often thankless, and there is a lot of contention about that as well.  But I have to say, one would not exist without the other, but honestly, without these men (yes, mainly men) of vision and determination, I wonder where we would be without them?

I am talking of the likes of JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and others.  These men did not start out wealthy.  Carnegie was a Scottish immigrant who created his wealth as a steel magnate until he sold his company to JP Morgan. Carnegie then retired and became a well-known philanthropist, giving away nearly $350 Million of is fortune!  Rockefeller also came from humble roots to amass his fortune in the oil industry.  JP Morgan created many industries and became one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the country at that time.

Each of these men had tremendous ambition, power, and money.  They created empires that enabled them unsurpassed influence in the nation, even to the extent of “owning” politicians until Teddy Roosevelt became President and started going after each and every one of the monopolies.  (this is very disjointed, missing a lot of details, I know).

My whole point here is that these men possessed ambition and desire that is rarely seen today (at least in my opinion).  It was JP Morgan, Edison, Tesla and Westinghouse who all vied to be the driving force behind making electricity serve our country.  Westinghouse actually was the first to bring electricity to a large area (the Worlds Fair), but it was Morgan who ended up owning the contract that operated the Niagara Falls power plant!

Since then, I began to toy with a thought.  What would have happened if we didn’t have JP Morgan, JD Rockefeller, Andre Carnegie and the likes of these industrialists to create the very industries that the government later sought to break into smaller pieces? Would someone else have done the same thing? Would it have taken an additional year, or ten years, or would it have taken 50 or 100 years longer? Where would we have been?

It reminds me of the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stuart.  We watch this movie every year during the holidays at our home.  In the movie, Jimmy Stuart has the opportunity of a lifetime…the ability to see what would have changed in the WORLD if he had not been born!  If you haven’t seen it, take some time to watch it during the holidays.

I think I have morphed from one topic to another, but my whole point in this post is to share how amazed I was in learning the impact that just three men and their vision had upon or entire NATION, as well as wondering where we would have been without them.

It’s easy to poo-poo capitalists, but you have to wonder, where would we be without them?

What I Love About this Country

After the recent election, half the country is ticked off, the other half is elated.  Half is expecting us to go over a financial cliff, the other sees prosperity on the rise.  The polarization is at the highest it has ever been.  With all the division, I wanted to write about some of the things I love about this Country.

  • DEMOCRACY –  We don’t always like the results of decisions made by the preponderance of the population, but a democracy is what makes our country so tremendous and what enables us to retain our freedoms by limiting the government control.  It allows us the opportunities that others just dream about.
  • FOUNDATIONS – our country was built on high morals, a belief in God and the fervent determination that everyone should have the same opportunities for success.
  • FREEDOM OF SPEECH –  there are few places where we are truly free to express our opinions.  That doesn’t mean that voicing one’s opinions alleviates any sort of repercussions, but that is also the freedom of those who HEAR one’s opinions.
  • CAPITALISM – despite what so many people seem to think, capitalism is one of the tenets that has allowed the United States to enjoy such prosperity.  Anyone is allowed the opportunity to start a business and their business will either thrive or prosper based on the decisions of the business owner.  Where else can someone who has been brought up in poverty dream of owning their own business and create prosperity for themselves and their family.
  • RELIGION – We are truly free to practice our religion without fearing imprisonment from our government.  Our country is rich with a variety of religions practiced by its citizenry.
  • DIVERSITY – Throughout the nation, we find diversity in so many areas…from the landscape to the weather from one coast to another, diversity in members of the community, diversity in religion practiced, diversity in jobs and education.  Regardless of our differences, we are all Americans, and that creates a common thread that binds us together.
  • CULTURE – as you cross from one great state or city to another, you find rich variances in the dialects, architecture, food, and customs.
  • FREEDOM – in no other part of the world are we free to speak, free to practice our religion, free to move from one city or state to another, free to change jobs, free to select our educations, our careers, free to teach our children, free to take part in our government.  If we consider our activities on a daily basis, our freedoms are often taken for granted.
  • LOYALTY – Overall (and I realize there are exceptions) Americans are fiercely devoted to their country and their flag.  Americans have respect and admiration for all of those who fought to give us the freedoms that we so quickly overlook and even frown upon. Americans are quick to defend against any and all who disparage this great country and what it offers.
  • COMPASSION – Americans are often criticized as being arrogant and self-serving, with everyone looking out for themselves. Yet, despite this reputation, Americans are the quickest to respond and reach out and help strangers in time of need, asking nothing in return.  When the country is attacked or threatened, Americans will immediately band together, putting aside differences to accomplish a goal for the greater good of all of those involved.  While there are those who think Americans are selfish, I believe Americans exhibit the greatest spirit of selflessness of all other countries.  This is one of the things I love most about our Country.

As our country tries to knit itself back together as a result of the past year of divisive politics, I pray that we will remember all those things we have which make our country great instead of focusing on the differences that threaten to tear us apart.


How to save money dining out

Finances are tough for everyone, and grocery/food bills are a big concern.  But regardless of the economy, we still like to go out to dinner!  At our house we have always cooked a lot at home….it was more cost-effective and got us to sit down at least once a day with the kids.   We also found that going out to eat cost a small fortune with 6 of us for dinner!  But you need to treat yourself to a dinner out when you can.  Here are a few tips for dining out on a budget


Alcohol can cause sticker shock with the final bill.  Have cocktails before you go out, or if you must have alcohol, limit yourself to a “house” wine and avoid call drinks.  If the meal does not come with  a drink, stick to water instead of paying $2 for a drink.  If you have kids with you, lay down the ground rules ahead of time.


Appetizers can be a smart purchase if you are wanting some lighter fare.  Often adding a dinner salad or bowl of soup with an appetizer is plenty of food to appease your appetite without breaking your budget.   Be careful when ordering appetizers, because the appetizers may actually cost more than actual entrees.


This may not work as well if you’re single, but most other times works quite well.  If you are going to a restaurant that you know serves large portions, split it.  We went to dinner the other night and ordered a dinner salad each, then split an entrée.  We were satisfied with the meal and did not over eat!  Not only can this save you money, but can help keep your weight in check as well.

Happy Hour

Many restaurants offer cheaper dinner prices if you’re willing to dine ahead of the dinner rush.  Plan to eat between 3-4 PM for extra savings if your favorite restaurants offer this savings.  Another factor is that by dining earlier, you are typically not as hungry, so will likely order a smaller meal.

Kids Meals

When you take your kids, have them purchase from the kid’s menu for savings if they will eat it all.  For small children, order your meal and give the child one of your side dishes.  We made the mistake of allowing our kids to eat of the “big” menu when they suckered us into thinking they were too big for the kids menu.  Bottom line is they never ate all they were served and it cost a lot more, so stand your ground.

Special Deals

Keep track of when your favorite haunts are offering special deals and plan to take advantage of them.  Join some of the local frequent diner plans, purchase Groupons, take advantage of free birthday dinners!

Skip Dessert

If you can plan ahead, sometimes cookies or a pie prepared and waiting at home is a great incentive to skip dessert at the restaurant.  Even if you don’t have dessert at home, skip the calories and the cost and pass on dessert.

Avoid Over-Eating

We are so used to being served large portions and we tend to eat everything on our plate.  If you order a smaller portion (some restaurants will allow you to do a “half-size” potion) that will save money. Another option is to take leftovers home and plan your entree selection for choices that are easily reheated for lunch the following day.

Cool, Unusual Places on Earth

Mount Roraima.

This is  a tabletop mountain with sheer 400 meter high cliffs on all sides.  The mountain is in Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana.  There is only one “easy” way up, on a natural “staircase” like ramp on the Venezuelan side.  It rains on the top of the mountain nearly every day, washing away nutrients for plants to grow, which creates the unusual landscape.  This also creates some of the highest waterfalls in the world!

Zhangjiajie Marvels – China

Few places are as compelling as the Zhangjiajie region, part of China’s Hunan Province.  View thousands of stone pillars rising out of dramatic gorges, placid green lakes, limestone caves and gnarled pines.  Cliffside walks lead the way to Ming dynasty temples in hill-towns.  Zhangjiajie’s natural wonder’s include more than 3,000 sandstone pillars, 40 caves, 32 canyons and 800 lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls and pools.  A trip in summer, spring or early fall offers choices of many resorts, including 4 and 5 star hotels.

Berry Head Arch – Newfoundland Canada –

this is located along the East Coast Trail to the south of St John’s.  This sea arch is fully navigable, though extreme caution is required in several sections.

Tunnel of Love, Ukraine

This tunnel of trees over an old, rarely used railway.  The railway is located near Kleven, and is used several times a day, with a train carrying logs to a local factory.  The tunnel of trees is so dense it is difficult to see outside from within the tunnel and has become a favorite romantic site for couples.

Pamukkale, Turkey 


Pamukkale has a beautiful area which has been a spa for thousands of years.  The high concentration of calcite in the water created travertine sedimentary terraces, petrified waterfalls and hot springs which are heated by an underground volcano. In an attempt to preserve the area, hotels and roadways were closed and man-made pools were created to help preserve the natural beauty of the area.

Thor’s Well

Thor’s Well (Oregon) is a part of Cape Parpetua in the Pacific Northwest.  It is an area surrounded on water by three sides.  It is also called the Spouting Horn.  The lava rock creates a hole or sinkhole, and during the incoming tide, waves crash over the rock and wash down into the sinkhole.  Due to the sharp rocks, it is very difficult to capture a good photograph of this occurrence, with the exception of some brave and patient photographers.

The Door to Hell, Turkmenistan, Darvaza.

This is located in a village of about 350 inhabitants.  While man-made, the anomaly was actually created in 1971 by geologists accidentally finding an underground cavern filled with natural gas.  The ground beneath the drilling rig collapsed, leaving a large hole where poisonous gas was escaping.  Flaring was considered to be the safe way to avoid the noxious vapors.  This was burning steadily until 2010, when the President of the area visited the site and ordered it should be closed.

Black Friday

I used to think that anyone who shopped on Black Friday was an absolute nut.  Who would want to shop the day after Thanksgiving, the busiest shopping day of the year!  I never understood the tradition of going shopping at 4 AM or midnight, just to get a few good deals.  As a matter of fact, I am so averse to shopping, most of mine is either done online or last-minute, or done by giving my shopping-loving daughter a list and cash and cutting her loose.

Last year my daughter and her friend invited me to go shopping on Black Friday.  Normally I would have said no, but my daughter was graduating high school early and was heading off to college in January, so I wanted to take advantage of every opportunity to spend time together….so I took a deep breath, gritted my teeth, smiled and said I’d love to go.  We planned to leave our home at 10 PM that night.

I honestly had no idea what sort of planning Black Friday shopping entailed!  The girls and I sat down to determine the plan (I didn’t realize there needed to be one).  Jackie had the sale fliers from every store in North Texas.  I had a list of things to buy, and we started bargain shopping through the ads.  Before I knew it, she had a list of the stores in the order of our visit (based on what time the store opened) as well as what was being bought at each place!  I was really impressed!

At 11 PM we bundled up, armed with our game plan, cash, some coffee (or Red Bull) and we were off to Target.  We stood in line (30 degrees outside) for over an HOUR for four (did I mention FOUR) items!  But the funny thing is that everyone in line was talking, having a good time, and no one was bored or in a bad mood.  Then I realized, I was with shopping veterans!  Right before the doors opened, from the parking lot, about 50 people appeared out of nowhere, just shuffling their feet, obviously there only to bust the line.   Those of us who had been freezing for an hour weren’t about to let them jump ahead of us.  The Target Workers actually came outside and made sure those people didn’t cut into line (probably saved someone going to jail that night).

Once the doors opened, we were in and out of there in 5 minutes flat with 4 items.  Being armed with exactly where the items were in the store we were able to plan our attack and we only bought those items on our list.  Next was Wal-Mart.  I have NEVER seen anything like it!  What an adventure.   We stationed ourselves in one section (the movies — $1 each) and we each had 3 we were assigned to grab.  The movies were wrapped up in a big plastic wrapper, and these were all through the store.  At the appointed hour, the clerks tore off the tape and shoppers went crazy!  As soon as we got our assigned movies, each of us knew where we were to go to get our next targeted item in the store.  Once we got out assigned item, we ran up to the checkout and staked our place in line.  We were out of Wal-Mart about 45 minutes later (much larger crowds here), victorious!

We flew through our list of items and stores, marking our lists, emptying our wallets, finding deals and collecting packages filling the trunk and starting all over!  We were laughing and joking, excited when we found the perfect gift we know someone wanted, thrilled when it was 40% off, oblivious to the time of day (night?).

Jackie was an amazement as I watched her at a shoe store. She found a pair of boots that she wanted to buy for me (you have to act surprised, Mom!).  She also happened to find herself a great pair of shoes (I’ll act surprised, Mom!) on sale.  The clerk was willing to give one discount, but not another.  I was ready to give up (it was only 20% and I was getting tired), and she leaned over and said “I’ll handle this Mom, I’m in retail, I know how this works!”  I just stood back and watched her (assertive but polite) until she had every discount she was entitled to, and I’m pretty sure she got an extra discount! Good thing…her spending…my money!

Before we realized it, the clock was nearing 4 AM!  We had been guerilla shoppers.  We had gotten virtually all the gifts for everyone on the list, found some amazing deals, and had a blast together, we were exhausted but victorious!!  As we walked back to the car for the final time, I looked over at my daughter, yawning, and was glad I took at chance and shopped on Black Friday!  I no longer think Black Friday shoppers are nuts!  I understand the tradition now, and wish I hadn’t waited so long to try it.

I hope she invites me again this year!

Thanksgiving Trauma

I’ve just realized in the past several days that Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away!  Over the years, we have celebrated Thanksgiving at our respective families;  we would go to my Mother-In-Laws first, then to my Father’s second.  It has always been a juggling act to get to each relative’s home in time for the festivities, stay long enough to eat dinner and not create any hard feelings, and jet over to the other family’s home, usually just as everyone is getting ready to sit down to eat.

One year, we decided it would be easier (and fun) to have Thanksgiving at our home and have everyone there at one time, instead of going two different places.  That was about 7 years ago.   We are talking nearly 40 people in our home for dinner. At the time our home was big enough to handle the group, though we had dining tables in 3 different rooms.  The cooking took days!  Multiple Turkeys, Hams, dressing (graciously provided by someone else since mine is terrible), various vegetables, breads, and a vat of gravy, plus salads and desserts, desserts and more desserts, and wine, beer, and assorted tea and colas!

The week of Thanksgiving, both my husband and I were nuts….I wanted it to be perfect as did he.  Unfortunately, his idea of perfect and mine were two different things. While I was focused on food and place settings and guest lists and decorations, he was worried about clean windows, and swept walkways and raked leaves (the absolute LAST thing on MY mind).  Three hours before the guests arrive I am frantic because I am missing a quart of heavy cream, looking for someone to fun to the store, and he’s out sweeping the garage!! Seriously???  For pity sake, who sees a garage on Thanksgiving!  The back porch, maybe, but not the garage!  I was ready to scream.  That whole Thanksgiving preparation was a test of our marriage.  We barely survived.  The event only managed to confirm in my mind that men and women are completely alien species to one another.  We have absolutely no business trying to plan a major event together without me being completely in charge.  Sometimes I think God was in a particularly mischievous mood when he decided to put us together and ever hope for us to accomplish anything at all!

Needless to say, it was utter CHAOS.  We haven’t talked about it much at all.   The food turned out well, the various families were able to be in the same household, and we survived…but never again! Not because we don’t like entertaining, it is just difficult to entertain both of our families at the same time in the same place and have the slightest peace of mind.  The pressure it just too much to handle.

NOW Thanksgiving is actually quite peaceful (at least for us).  At one house we take wine and I am the official ham and turkey carver (everyone else hates the job and I happen to like it), and at the other house I bring whatever dish I was assigned (and carve another turkey or two).  We get to enjoy our families and not get terribly stressed out.

We save stressing out for Christmas parties.